
Notes posted by mikael

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July 14, 2010
1 thank
February 16, 2010 - (>= v2.1.0)
3 thanks

Extract the aggregated scoping options

If you want to get the aggregated scoping options of a chain of named scopes use ActiveRecord::Base.current_scoped_methods

It works in the fashion of:

# ==>
  :create => {}, 
  :find => {
    :conditions => {:color => 'red', :size => 'medium'}, 
    :order => 'shirts.name ASC'
August 4, 2009 - (>= v2.2.1)
1 thank

Binding parameter deprecated in > 2.2

Supplying the binding argument produces a deprecation warning in 2.2 and newer:

DEPRECATION WARNING: The binding argument of #concat is no longer needed. Please remove it from your views and helpers.

February 20, 2009
5 thanks

Static and dynamic attachments

You can attach static files directly:

attachment :content_type => "image/jpeg", :body => File.read("someimage.jpg")

and you can also define attachments dynamically by using a block:

attachment "text/csv" do |a|
  a.body = my_data.to_csv
February 17, 2009
2 thanks

See column

See the end part of the docs on column for example uses.