Notes posted by kieran
RSS feedjames' note incorrect
The render method in ActionMailer is infact a private method, in all versions (including the new Rails 2.2).
However, spectators note about @template works well. Thanks.
Bug that causes escape buildup
There is a bug in this meethod that causes an escape build up when you have links or image urls for example with ampersands in them. Over time, it goes something like this:
& -> & -> & -> & -> & -> etc
This breaks the url so links and images are not clickable/viewable. To fix, simply unescape before you reescape. Works like a charm. We have the following in an initializer, “html_sanitizer_patch.rb”, that fixes this behaviour.
module HTML class WhiteListSanitizer < Sanitizer protected def process_attributes_for(node, options) return unless node.attributes node.attributes.keys.each do |attr_name| value = node.attributes[attr_name].to_s if !options[:attributes].include?(attr_name) || contains_bad_protocols?(attr_name, value) node.attributes.delete(attr_name) else node.attributes[attr_name] = attr_name == 'style' ? sanitize_css(value) : CGI::escapeHTML(CGI::unescapeHTML(value)) end end end end end
Bug that looks for "500 .html" rather than "500.html"
There is a very small bug in this method of Rails that causes error pages you change in public/ not to be shown, because Rails looks for “404 .html” and “500 .html” (note the space). The fix is simple.
needs to become
If you’re like me and don’t want to edit Rails itself, at the bottom of environment.rb, stick some code that overwrites this method to fix the bug. We have the following:
module ActionController class Dispatcher class << self private def failsafe_response_body(status) error_path = "#{error_file_path}/#{status.to_s[0...3]}.html" if File.exist?(error_path) else "<html><body><h1>#{status}</h1></body></html>" end end end end end