Notes posted by kares
RSS feedsmtp syntax error 555 5.5.2
If You’re seeing a Net::SMTPFatalError (555 5.5.2 Syntax error ...) than You should check the email’s from header ! You probably have brackets while calling the from attribute setter :
Works in Rails < 2.3.3
def signup_notification(recipient) recipients recipient.email_address_with_name subject "New account information" from %("My App" <>) end
Works in Rails 2.3.5
def signup_notification(recipient) recipients recipient.email_address_with_name subject "New account information" from '' # no <> brackets ! end
in Rails 2.3.3 the from email address will get wrapped with angle brackets, thus it must not have them within the address.
Avoid DoubleRenderError
One can not invoke render twice during an action. Thus if You have a complicated rendering logic but at the end would like to render some default content, or just would like to find out whether render has been called during the current action, use performed?. This also works with “empty” renderings such as head.