Notes posted by clescuyer
RSS feed
Separator default is not always "." but depends on locale
Locale en:
number_with_precision(111.2345) # => 111.235
Locale fr-FR:
number_with_precision(111.2345) # => 111,235
Same with delimiter.

Case-insensitive comparison
For a case-insensitive comparison, use String#casecmp

This method has been moved
This method has been moved to ActiveSupport::Inflector#demodulize

This method has been moved
This method has been moved to ActiveSupport::Inflector#foreign_key

This method has been moved
This method has been moved to ActiveSupport::Inflector#humanize

This method has been moved
This method has been moved to ActiveSupport::Inflector#inflections

This method has been moved
This method has been moved to ActiveSupport::Inflector#ordinalize

This method has been moved
This method has been moved to ActiveSupport::Inflector#singularize

This method has been moved
This method has been moved to ActiveSupport::Inflector#tableize

This method has been moved
This method has been moved to ActiveSupport::Inflector#titleize

This method has been moved
This method has been moved to ActiveSupport::Inflector#underscore

This method has been moved
This method has been moved to ActiveSupport::Inflector#dasherize

This method has been moved
This method has been moved to ActiveSupport::Inflector#constantize

This method has been moved
This method has been moved to ActiveSupport::Inflector#classify

This method has been moved
This method has been moved to ActiveSupport::Inflector#camelize