Notes posted by canadaduane
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Examples of Setting the Prefix and Suffix
Both of the following will work for setting the prefix or suffix:
class Mouse < ActiveRecord::Base self.table_name_prefix = 'forum_' end
class Mouse < ActiveRecord::Base def self.table_name_prefix 'forum_' end end

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Convert an Array to a Hash
The Hash.[] method converts an even number of parameters to a Hash. (The Hash[] method depends on the Hash class, but don’t confuse the method with the class itself). For example:
Hash['A', 'a', 'B', 'b'] # => {"A"=>"a", "B"=>"b"}
You can convert an array to a hash using the Hash[] method:
array = ['A', 'a', 'B', 'b', 'C', 'c'] hash = Hash[*array] # => {"A"=>"a", "B"=>"b", "C"=>"c"}
The * (splat) operator converts the array into an argument list, as expected by Hash[].
You can similarly convert an array of arrays to a Hash, by adding flatten:
array = [['A', 'a'], ['B', 'b'], ['C', 'c']] hash = Hash[*array.flatten] # => {"A"=>"a", "B"=>"b", "C"=>"c"}
This also comes in handy when you have a list of words that you want to convert to a Hash:
Hash[*%w( A a B b C c )] # => {"A"=>"a", "B"=>"b", "C"=>"c"}