Notes posted by bfcapell

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March 31, 2010
3 thanks


Note that to interpolate, the sequences must be inside single quotes:

# replace /ll/ with itself
'hello'.gsub(/ll/, '\0') # returns 'hello'
'hello'.gsub(/ll/, "\0") # returns 'he\000o'
January 20, 2010
4 thanks

Using html text instead of default response

If you have a string containing html and want to assert_select against it, as the doc states you have to pass in an element (HTML::Node) as the first argument. You can do something like this:

doc ='<p><span>example</span></p>')
assert_select doc.root, 'span'
January 20, 2010
2 thanks

Escape brackets in selector

If you need to escape brackets in a selector, this is the way to do it:

assert_select "input[type=hidden][name='user[role_ids][]']"