

Ruby latest stable (v2_5_5) - 0 notes - Class: Node

Method deprecated or moved

This method is deprecated or moved on the latest stable version. The last existing version (v1_9_1_378) is shown here.

These similar methods exist in v2_5_5:

to_s( t = '' ) public

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# File lib/rdoc/dot.rb, line 156
    def to_s( t = '' )

      label = @options['shape'] != 'record' && @ports.length == 0 ?
        @options['label'] ?
        t + TAB + "label = \"#{@options['label']}\"\n" :
                    '' :
                    t + TAB + 'label = "' + " \\\n" +
                    t + TAB2 + "#{@options['label']}| \\\n" +
                    @ports.collect{ |i|
        t + TAB2 + i.to_s
      }.join( "| \\\n" ) + " \\\n" +
        t + TAB + '"' + "\n"

        t + "#{@name} [\n" +
        @options.to_a.collect{ |i|
        i[1] && i[0] != 'label' ?
          t + TAB + "#{i[0]} = #{i[1]}" : nil
      }.compact.join( ",\n" ) + ( label != '' ? ",\n" : "\n" ) +
        label +
        t + "]\n"
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