

Ruby latest stable (v2_5_5) - 0 notes - Class: Bundler
  • 1_8_6_287
  • 1_8_7_72
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  • 2_1_10
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sudo(str) public

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# File lib/bundler.rb, line 405
    def sudo(str)
      SUDO_MUTEX.synchronize do
        prompt = "\n\n" +         Your user account isn't allowed to install to the system RubyGems.        You can cancel this installation and run:            bundle install --path vendor/bundle        to install the gems into ./vendor/bundle/, or you can enter your password        and install the bundled gems to RubyGems using sudo.        Password:.gsub(/^ {6}/, "").strip + " "

        unless @prompted_for_sudo ||= system(%(sudo -k -p "#{prompt}" true))
          raise SudoNotPermittedError,
            "Bundler requires sudo access to install at the moment. "              "Try installing again, granting Bundler sudo access when prompted, or installing into a different path."

        `sudo -p "#{prompt}" #{str}`
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