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description for described_class
Here is an example to understand described_class
If while describing the rspec, we use a Class name in the describe part, we can use described_class method to refer to that and use it as a class in the specs within that description.
describe MyClass do it "is available as described_class" do expect(described_class).to eq(MyClass) end end
So in the above example, described_class method will return MyClass as a class.
It is a part of rspec core 3.0

correct, but ..
stub_chain provides a very good replacement of long lines of nested stubs, but never forget it violates Law of Demeter; i.e. it indicates an increase of coupling in your classes and this is a bad thing because it means your objects now are making more unnecessary calls to other objects. for example:
def initialize(some_obj) @obj = some_obj end def foo @obj.x # GOOD coupling - according to LoD you are allowed to call a method on your object end def bar @obj.x.y # BAD coupling - can not call a method on a returned value of another method call even if the initial call is legal end
How is this related to TDD and stubs?
method foo test will have only one stub for a double of some_obj type
method bar will have 2 stubs: the first is going to swallow the other one to produce the result (and then can be shortened using this stub_chain technique)
Always remember: if your tests are using stub_chains –> your code is smelly and possibly tightly coupled.

as_null_object working
It only listen for the messages we tell it to expect and ignore any other messages.
For example:
module Codebreaker describe Game do describe "#start" do before(:each) do @output = double('output').as_null_object @game = end it "sends a welcome message" do @output.should_receive(:puts).with('Welcome to Codebreaker!') @game.start end it "prompts for the first guess" do @output.should_receive(:puts).with('Enter Guess:') @game.start end end end end
In first example we are expecting ‘Welcone to Codebreaker!’ while in second example we expect ‘Enter Guess:’
and in before(:each) first line we are using as_null_object which allowing us to only check if expected string exists in game.start method then it will pass.
module Codebreaker class Game def initialize(output) @output = output end def start @output.puts 'Welcome to Codebreaker!' @output.puts 'Enter Guess:' end end end

Help Link :)!

This method is deprecated in rspec 2.0
be_close(1, 0.1) is deprecated.
please use be_within(0.1).of(1) instead.

stub/stub! will always be followed by '.and_return'
this function will aways be followed by ‘.and_return(…)’ because a stub is typically used for returning values. The required argument given to stub is a method name. When a message to this stubbed method name is received by a class or existing object of the class AND ‘.and_return’ is provided, the stub will return whatever was provided as argument to ‘.and_return’.
For example,
this will return 5.5% when a message for interest_rate in a HomeLoan class’s object is received.
HomeLoan.stub!(interest_rate).and_return(‘5.5%’, ‘3%’)
this will return 5.5% when a message for interest_rate in a HomeLoan class’s object is received FOR THE FIRST TIME but will return 3% for subsequent calls/messages.

Input strings are treated as regexp
Input strings are treated as regexp, but you can escape special regexp characters as usual:
"*test*".should match "\\*test\\*" #=> pass "*test*".should match '\*test\*' #=> pass "*test*".should match /\*test\*/ #=> pass

Eql equals ==
Use eql to compare values as you would use ==:
"test".should eql "test" #=> pass "test".should == "test" #=> pass
Do not confuse with equal which compares objects.

Test strings with eql
Equal fails when comparing two different string objects:
"test".should equal "test" #=> fail "test".should match "test" #=> pass "test".should eql "test" #=> pass
In fact:
"test".object_id.should_not eql "test".object_id #=> pass
Match fails when the string contains regex special characters not escaped:
"*test*".should match "*test*" #=> fail for invalid regex "*test*".should eql "*test*" #=> pass
In fact, match treats input as regexp:
"*test*".should match /\*test\*/ #=> pass

Works only inside the "it" block
Please note that stub_chain doesn’t work outside of the block.
If you need to create more complicated chains using a function you need to use the old way.

stub_chain is very useful when testing controller code
or any other chained method call type that you’d like to stub, example:
in your controller:
def new @user = end
in your spec:
it "#new should assign a @user" do u = mock("User") controller.stub_chain(:current_site, :users, :new).and_return(u) assigns[:user].should == u end
whereas before you had to stub each chained method call separately:
it "#new should assign a @user" do u = mock("User") users = mock("Users collection", :new => u) site = mock("Site", :users => users) controller.stub!(:current_site).and_return(site) assigns[:user].should == u end
Please note that stub_chain was added to RSpec in version 1.2.6

A stub with argument and return value
it “should use a dummy method with argument and return value” do
dummy = mock("dummy").stub!(:emulate) dummy.should_receive(:emulate).with(:something).and_return("Done! sir!") dummy.emulate(:something).should == "Done! sir!" end

A typical usage for a mock
You want to use a mock when you’re testing a behaviour of one of your methods that interacts with some outside world service (eg. an FTP server).
it "should login to ftp server" do ftp = mock('Ftp server', :null_object => true) Net::FTP.should_receive(:new).and_return(ftp) ftp.should_receive(:login).with('username', 'password') some_obj.connect end def connect session ='') session.login('username', 'password') session.close end

Usage examples
Basic usage:
User.should_receive(:find).with(:all, anything).and_return("hello world")
User.find(:all, :conditions => "foo") #=> "hello world"
But you can also use blocks for more complex matching logic. For example:
User.should_receive(:find) { |*args| if args.size == 2 "received two arguments" else "something else" end }.at_least(:once)
User.find(:all, :conditions => "bar") #=> "received two arguments" User.find(5) #=> "something else"
Of course normally you’d return mocks instead of strings.

see have_at_least or have

Example using simple_matcher
This is extracted from:
Here’s an example:
def be_sorted simple_matcher("a sorted list") {|actual| actual.sort == actual} end [1,2,3].should be_sorted
The block is handed the actual value. If the block returns true, the expectation passes. If it returns false, it fails with the following message:
expected “a sorted list” but got [1, 3, 2]
If you say [1,2,3].should_not be_sorted you’d get this message instead=:
expected not to get “a sorted list”, but got [1, 2, 3]
As of now, you don’t get any control over the failure message other than the string you pass to the simple_matcher method

Testing an options hash receives certain parameters
This method is very useful for testing methods that use the ruby idiom of accepting a hash with configurable options.
class Example def self.find(options = {}) ... end end
We can use hash_including to ensure that certain options are passed in when mocking it.
Example.should_receive(:find).with(hash_including(:conditions => 'some conditions')) Example.find(:conditions => 'some_conditions', :order => 1) # => Passes expectation Example.find(:order => 1) # => Fails expectation
This can also be used to great effect with the anything matcher. For example:
hash_including(:key => anything) hash_including(anything => 'value')