

Ruby on Rails latest stable (v6.1.7.7) - 0 notes - Class: ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters

Method deprecated or moved

This method is deprecated or moved on the latest stable version. The last existing version (v5.2.3) is shown here.

These similar methods exist in v6.1.7.7:

initialize_type_map(m = type_map) private

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# File activerecord/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract_mysql_adapter.rb, line 563
        def initialize_type_map(m = type_map)

          register_class_with_limit m, %(char), MysqlString

          m.register_type %(tinytext),   Type::Text.new(limit: 2**8 - 1)
          m.register_type %(tinyblob),   Type::Binary.new(limit: 2**8 - 1)
          m.register_type %(text),       Type::Text.new(limit: 2**16 - 1)
          m.register_type %(blob),       Type::Binary.new(limit: 2**16 - 1)
          m.register_type %(mediumtext), Type::Text.new(limit: 2**24 - 1)
          m.register_type %(mediumblob), Type::Binary.new(limit: 2**24 - 1)
          m.register_type %(longtext),   Type::Text.new(limit: 2**32 - 1)
          m.register_type %(longblob),   Type::Binary.new(limit: 2**32 - 1)
          m.register_type %(^float),     Type::Float.new(limit: 24)
          m.register_type %(^double),    Type::Float.new(limit: 53)

          register_integer_type m, %(^bigint),    limit: 8
          register_integer_type m, %(^int),       limit: 4
          register_integer_type m, %(^mediumint), limit: 3
          register_integer_type m, %(^smallint),  limit: 2
          register_integer_type m, %(^tinyint),   limit: 1

          m.register_type %(^tinyint\(1\)), Type::Boolean.new if emulate_booleans
          m.alias_type %(year),          "integer"
          m.alias_type %(bit),           "binary"

          m.register_type(%(enum)) do |sql_type|
            limit = sql_type[/^enum\((.+)\)/, 1]
              .split(",").map { |enum| enum.strip.length - 2 }.max
            MysqlString.new(limit: limit)

          m.register_type(%(^set)) do |sql_type|
            limit = sql_type[/^set\((.+)\)/, 1]
              .split(",").map { |set| set.strip.length - 1 }.sum - 1
            MysqlString.new(limit: limit)
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