

Ruby on Rails latest stable (v7.1.3.2) - 0 notes - Class: ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet

Method deprecated or moved

This method is deprecated or moved on the latest stable version. The last existing version (v4.1.8) is shown here.

These similar methods exist in v7.1.3.2:

build_conditions(current_conditions, path_values) private

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# File actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/routing/route_set.rb, line 475
      def build_conditions(current_conditions, path_values)
        conditions = current_conditions.dup

        # Rack-Mount requires that :request_method be a regular expression.
        # :request_method represents the HTTP verb that matches this route.
        # Here we munge values before they get sent on to rack-mount.
        verbs = conditions[:request_method] || []
        unless verbs.empty?
          conditions[:request_method] = %[^#{verbs.join('|')}$]

        conditions.keep_if do |k, _|
          k == :action || k == :controller || k == :required_defaults ||
            @request_class.public_method_defined?(k) || path_values.include?(k)
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