sysaccept() public

Accepts an incoming connection returnings an array containg the (integer) file descriptor for the incoming connection, client_socket_fd, and a string that contains the struct sockaddr information about the caller, client_sockaddr.


     # In one script, start this first
     require 'socket'
     include Socket::Constants
     socket = Socket.new( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 )
     sockaddr = Socket.pack_sockaddr_in( 2200, 'localhost' )
     socket.bind( sockaddr )
     socket.listen( 5 )
     client_fd, client_sockaddr = socket.sysaccept
     client_socket = Socket.for_fd( client_fd )
     puts "The client said, '#{client_socket.readline.chomp}'"
     client_socket.puts "Hello from script one!"

     # In another script, start this second
     require 'socket'
     include Socket::Constants
     socket = Socket.new( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 )
     sockaddr = Socket.pack_sockaddr_in( 2200, 'localhost' )
     socket.connect( sockaddr )
     socket.puts "Hello from script 2."
     puts "The server said, '#{socket.readline.chomp}'"

Refer to Socket#accept for the exceptions that may be thrown if the call to sysaccept fails.


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