fetch(set, attr) public

Sends a FETCH command to retrieve data associated with a message in the mailbox. The set parameter is a number or an array of numbers or a Range object. The number is a message sequence number. attr is a list of attributes to fetch; see the documentation for Net::IMAP::FetchData for a list of valid attributes. The return value is an array of Net::IMAP::FetchData. For example:

  p imap.fetch(6..8, "UID")
  #=> [#<Net::IMAP::FetchData seqno=6, attr={"UID"=>98}>, \\
       #<Net::IMAP::FetchData seqno=7, attr={"UID"=>99}>, \\
       #<Net::IMAP::FetchData seqno=8, attr={"UID"=>100}>]
  p imap.fetch(6, "BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (SUBJECT)]")
  #=> [#<Net::IMAP::FetchData seqno=6, attr={"BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (SUBJECT)]"=>"Subject: test\r\n\r\n"}>]
  data = imap.uid_fetch(98, ["RFC822.SIZE", "INTERNALDATE"])[0]
  p data.seqno
  #=> 6
  p data.attr["RFC822.SIZE"]
  #=> 611
  p data.attr["INTERNALDATE"]
  #=> "12-Oct-2000 22:40:59 +0900"
  p data.attr["UID"]
  #=> 98
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