Ruby latest stable (v2_5_5) - 0 notes

Module deprecated or moved

This module is deprecated or moved on the latest stable version. The last existing version (v1_9_1_378) is shown here.

No documentation

This module has no description. You can help the Ruby community by adding new notes.


CONTENTS_XML = <<-EOF <% if defined? classes and classes["description"] then %> <%= classes["description"] %> <% end %> <% if defined? files and files["requires"] then %>


    <% files["requires"].each do |requires| %> <% if requires["aref"] then %>
  • "><%= requires["name"] %>
  • <% end %> <% unless requires["aref"] then %>
  • <%= requires["name"] %>
  • <% end %> <% end %><%# files["requires"] %>
<% end %> <% if defined? classes and classes["includes"] then %>


    <% classes["includes"].each do |includes| %> <% if includes["aref"] then %>
  • "><%= includes["name"] %>
  • <% end %> <% unless includes["aref"] then %>
  • <%= includes["name"] %>
  • <% end %> <% end %><%# classes["includes"] %>
<% end %> <% if defined? classes and classes["sections"] then %> <% classes["sections"].each do |sections| %> <% if sections["attributes"] then %>


<% sections["attributes"].each do |attributes| %> <% end %><%# sections["attributes"] %>
<%= attributes["name"] %><%= attributes["rw"] %><%= attributes["a_desc"] %>
<% end %> <% if sections["method_list"] then %>


<% sections["method_list"].each do |method_list| %> <% if method_list["methods"] then %> <% method_list["methods"].each do |methods| %>

<%= methods["type"] %> <%= methods["category"] %> method: <% if methods["callseq"] then %> "><%= methods["callseq"] %> <% end %> <% unless methods["callseq"] then %> "><%= methods["name"] %><%= methods["params"] %>

<% end %> <% if methods["m_desc"] then %> <%= methods["m_desc"] %> <% end %> <% if methods["sourcecode"] then %>
<%= methods["sourcecode"] %>
<% end %> <% end %><%# method_list["methods"] %> <% end %> <% end %><%# sections["method_list"] %> <% end %> <% end %><%# classes["sections"] %> <% end %> EOF

ONE_PAGE = XHTML_STRICT_PREAMBLE + HTML_ELEMENT + %{ <%= values["title"] %> " /> <% values["files"].each do |files| %>

File: "><%= files["short_name"] %>

Path:<%= files["full_path"] %>
Modified:<%= files["dtm_modified"] %>
} + CONTENTS_XML + %{ <% end %><%# values["files"] %> <% if values["classes"] then %>


<% values["classes"].each do |classes| %> <% if classes["parent"] then %>

<%= classes["classmod"] %> "><%= classes["full_name"] %> < <%= href classes["par_url"], classes["parent"] %>

<% end %> <% unless classes["parent"] then %>

<%= classes["classmod"] %> <%= classes["full_name"] %>

<% end %> <% if classes["infiles"] then %> (in files <% classes["infiles"].each do |infiles| %> <%= href infiles["full_path_url"], infiles["full_path"] %> <% end %><%# classes["infiles"] %> ) <% end %> } + CONTENTS_XML + %{ <% end %><%# values["classes"] %> <% end %> }


Show files where this module is defined (1 file)
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