v7.1.3.2 - Show latest stable - 0 notes

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UniqueConstraintDefinition = Struct.new(:table_name, :column, :options) do def name options[:name] end def deferrable options[:deferrable] end def using_index options[:using_index] end def export_name_on_schema_dump? !ActiveRecord::SchemaDumper.unique_ignore_pattern.match?(name) if name end def defined_for?(name: nil, column: nil, **options) (name.nil? || self.name == name.to_s) && (column.nil? || Array(self.column) == Array(column).map(&:to_s)) && options.all? { |k, v| self.options[k].to_s == v.to_s } end end

ExclusionConstraintDefinition = Struct.new(:table_name, :expression, :options) do def name options[:name] end def using options[:using] end def where options[:where] end def deferrable options[:deferrable] end def export_name_on_schema_dump? !ActiveRecord::SchemaDumper.excl_ignore_pattern.match?(name) if name end end


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