

initialize_type_map(m = type_map) private

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# File activerecord/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/postgresql_adapter.rb, line 516
        def initialize_type_map(m = type_map)
          m.register_type "int2", Type::Integer.new(limit: 2)
          m.register_type "int4", Type::Integer.new(limit: 4)
          m.register_type "int8", Type::Integer.new(limit: 8)
          m.register_type "oid", OID::Oid.new
          m.register_type "float4", Type::Float.new
          m.alias_type "float8", "float4"
          m.register_type "text", Type::Text.new
          register_class_with_limit m, "varchar", Type::String
          m.alias_type "char", "varchar"
          m.alias_type "name", "varchar"
          m.alias_type "bpchar", "varchar"
          m.register_type "bool", Type::Boolean.new
          register_class_with_limit m, "bit", OID::Bit
          register_class_with_limit m, "varbit", OID::BitVarying
          m.alias_type "timestamptz", "timestamp"
          m.register_type "date", OID::Date.new

          m.register_type "money", OID::Money.new
          m.register_type "bytea", OID::Bytea.new
          m.register_type "point", OID::Point.new
          m.register_type "hstore", OID::Hstore.new
          m.register_type "json", Type::Json.new
          m.register_type "jsonb", OID::Jsonb.new
          m.register_type "cidr", OID::Cidr.new
          m.register_type "inet", OID::Inet.new
          m.register_type "uuid", OID::Uuid.new
          m.register_type "xml", OID::Xml.new
          m.register_type "tsvector", OID::SpecializedString.new(:tsvector)
          m.register_type "macaddr", OID::Macaddr.new
          m.register_type "citext", OID::SpecializedString.new(:citext)
          m.register_type "ltree", OID::SpecializedString.new(:ltree)
          m.register_type "line", OID::SpecializedString.new(:line)
          m.register_type "lseg", OID::SpecializedString.new(:lseg)
          m.register_type "box", OID::SpecializedString.new(:box)
          m.register_type "path", OID::SpecializedString.new(:path)
          m.register_type "polygon", OID::SpecializedString.new(:polygon)
          m.register_type "circle", OID::SpecializedString.new(:circle)

          register_class_with_precision m, "time", Type::Time
          register_class_with_precision m, "timestamp", OID::DateTime

          m.register_type "numeric" do |_, fmod, sql_type|
            precision = extract_precision(sql_type)
            scale = extract_scale(sql_type)

            # The type for the numeric depends on the width of the field,
            # so we'll do something special here.
            # When dealing with decimal columns:
            # places after decimal  = fmod - 4 & 0xffff
            # places before decimal = (fmod - 4) >> 16 & 0xffff
            if fmod && (fmod - 4 & 0xffff).zero?
              # FIXME: Remove this class, and the second argument to
              # lookups on PG
              Type::DecimalWithoutScale.new(precision: precision)
              OID::Decimal.new(precision: precision, scale: scale)

          m.register_type "interval" do |*args, sql_type|
            precision = extract_precision(sql_type)
            OID::Interval.new(precision: precision)

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