new(set, ast, defaults, controller, default_action, modyoule, to, formatted, scope_constraints, scope_options, blocks, via, options_constraints, anchor, options) public

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# File actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/routing/mapper.rb, line 114
        def initialize(set, ast, defaults, controller, default_action, modyoule, to, formatted, scope_constraints, scope_options, blocks, via, options_constraints, anchor, options)
          @defaults = defaults
          @set = set

          @to                 = intern(to)
          @default_controller = intern(controller)
          @default_action     = intern(default_action)
          @ast                = ast
          @anchor             = anchor
          @via                = via
          @internal           = options.delete(:internal)
          @scope_options      = scope_options

          path_params = ast.find_all(&:symbol?).map(&:to_sym)

          options = add_wildcard_options(options, formatted, ast)

          options = normalize_options!(options, path_params, modyoule)

          split_options = constraints(options, path_params)

          constraints = scope_constraints.merge Hash[split_options[:constraints] || []]

          if options_constraints.is_a?(Hash)
            @defaults = Hash[options_constraints.find_all { |key, default|
              URL_OPTIONS.include?(key) && (String === default || Integer === default)
            }].merge @defaults
            @blocks = blocks
            constraints.merge! options_constraints
            @blocks = blocks(options_constraints)

          requirements, conditions = split_constraints path_params, constraints
          verify_regexp_requirements requirements.map(&:last).grep(Regexp)

          formats = normalize_format(formatted)

          @requirements = formats[:requirements].merge Hash[requirements]
          @conditions = Hash[conditions]
          @defaults = formats[:defaults].merge(@defaults).merge(normalize_defaults(options))

          if path_params.include?(:action) && !@requirements.key?(:action)
            @defaults[:action] ||= "index"

          @required_defaults = (split_options[:required_defaults] || []).map(&:first)
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