url_for(options = {}) public

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# File actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/http/url.rb, line 32
        def url_for(options = {})
          options = options.dup
          path  = options.delete(:script_name).to_s.chomp("/")
          path << options.delete(:path).to_s

          add_trailing_slash(path) if options[:trailing_slash]

          params = options[:params].is_a?(Hash) ? options[:params] : options.slice(:params)
          params.reject! { |_,v| v.to_param.nil? }

          result = build_host_url(options)

          result << path

          result << "?#{params.to_query}" unless params.empty?
          result << "##{Journey::Router::Utils.escape_fragment(options[:anchor].to_param.to_s)}" if options[:anchor]
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