wrap_parameters(name_or_model_or_options, options = {}) public

Sets the name of the wrapper key, or the model which ParamsWrapper would use to determine the attribute names from.


wrap_parameters :format => :xml
  # enables the parmeter wrapper for XML format

wrap_parameters :person
  # wraps parameters into +params[:person]+ hash

wrap_parameters Person
  # wraps parameters by determining the wrapper key from Person class
  (+person+, in this case) and the list of attribute names

wrap_parameters :include => [:username, :title]
  # wraps only +:username+ and +:title+ attributes from parameters.

wrap_parameters false
  # disables parameters wrapping for this controller altogether.


  • :format - The list of formats in which the parameters wrapper will be enabled.

  • :include - The list of attribute names which parameters wrapper will wrap into a nested hash.

  • :exclude - The list of attribute names which parameters wrapper will exclude from a nested hash.

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