

v2.0.3 - Show latest stable - 0 notes - Class: ActionController::UrlWriter
url_for(options) public

Generate a url based on the options provided, default_url_options and the routes defined in routes.rb. The following options are supported:

  • :only_path If true, the relative url is returned. Defaults to false.
  • :protocol The protocol to connect to. Defaults to ‘http’.
  • :host Specifies the host the link should be targetted at. If :only_path is false, this option must be provided either explicitly, or via default_url_options.
  • :port Optionally specify the port to connect to.
  • :anchor An anchor name to be appended to the path.
  • :skip_relative_url_root If true, the url is not constructed using the relative_url_root set in ActionController::AbstractRequest.relative_url_root.

Any other key(:controller, :action, etc…) given to url_for is forwarded to the Routes module.


   url_for :controller => 'tasks', :action => 'testing', :host=>'somehost.org', :port=>'8080'    # => 'http://somehost.org:8080/tasks/testing'
   url_for :controller => 'tasks', :action => 'testing', :host=>'somehost.org', :anchor => 'ok', :only_path => true    # => '/tasks/testing#ok'
   url_for :controller => 'tasks', :action => 'testing', :host=>'somehost.org', :number => '33'  # => 'http://somehost.org/tasks/testing?number=33'
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