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ALL = Type.new "*/*", :all

HTML = Type.new "text/html", :html, %w( application/xhtml+xml )

JS = Type.new "text/javascript", :js, %w( application/javascript application/x-javascript )

XML = Type.new "application/xml", :xml, %w( text/xml application/x-xml )

RSS = Type.new "application/rss+xml", :rss

ATOM = Type.new "application/atom+xml", :atom

YAML = Type.new "application/x-yaml", :yaml, %w( text/yaml )

LOOKUP = Hash.new { |h, k| h[k] = Type.new(k) }


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June 26, 2008
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Default Mime Types

This module sets up all the default mime-types. Here they are:

"*/*"                      => :all
"text/plain"               => :text
"text/html"                => :html 
"application/xhtml+xml"    => :html
"text/javascript"          => :js 
"application/javascript"   => :js 
"application/x-javascript" => :js 
"text/calendar"            => :ics   
"text/csv"                 => :csv   
"application/xml"          => :xml 
"text/xml"                 => :xml 
"application/x-xml"        => :xml 
"text/yaml"                => :yaml 
"application/x-yaml"       => :yaml 
"application/rss+xml"      => :rss   
"application/atom+xml"     => :atom  
"application/json"         => :json 
"text/x-json"              => :json