v1.0.0 - Show latest stable - 0 notes

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Version = id.split(" ")[2].to_i

Version = id.split(" ")[2].to_i


[RW] optimize_asserts

Whether asserts should be ignored if not in debug mode. Debug mode can be enabled by running ruby with the -d switch or by setting $DEBUG to true.

[RW] asserts_cause_exceptions

Whether an Exception should be raised on failed asserts in non-$DEBUG code or not. By default this is disabled.

[RW] optimize_asserts

Whether asserts should be ignored if not in debug mode. Debug mode can be enabled by running ruby with the -d switch or by setting $DEBUG to true.

[RW] asserts_cause_exceptions

Whether an Exception should be raised on failed asserts in non-$DEBUG code or not. By default this is disabled.

Show files where this module is defined (2 files)
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