

Ruby on Rails latest stable (v6.1.7.7) - 0 notes - Class: Rails::Generators::AppGenerator

Method deprecated or moved

This method is deprecated or moved on the latest stable version. The last existing version (v5.2.3) is shown here.

These similar methods exist in v6.1.7.7:

valid_const?() private

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# File railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/app/app_generator.rb, line 520
      def valid_const?
        if app_const =~ /^\d/
          raise Error, "Invalid application name #{app_name}. Please give a name which does not start with numbers."
        elsif RESERVED_NAMES.include?(app_name)
          raise Error, "Invalid application name #{app_name}. Please give a "                         "name which does not match one of the reserved rails "                         "words: #{RESERVED_NAMES.join(", ")}"
        elsif Object.const_defined?(app_const_base)
          raise Error, "Invalid application name #{app_name}, constant #{app_const_base} is already in use. Please choose another application name."
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