
password_field_tag(name = "password", value = nil, options = {})
Creates a password field, a masked text field that will hide the users input behind a mask character.
- :disabled - If set to true, the user will not be able to use this input.
- :size - The number of visible characters that will fit in the input.
- :maxlength - The maximum number of characters that the browser will allow the user to enter.
- Any other key creates standard HTML attributes for the tag.
password_field_tag 'pass' # => <input id="pass" name="pass" type="password" /> password_field_tag 'secret', 'Your secret here' # => <input id="secret" name="secret" type="password" value="Your secret here" /> password_field_tag 'masked', nil, :class => 'masked_input_field' # => <input class="masked_input_field" id="masked" name="masked" type="password" /> password_field_tag 'token', '', :size => 15 # => <input id="token" name="token" size="15" type="password" value="" /> password_field_tag 'key', nil, :maxlength => 16 # => <input id="key" maxlength="16" name="key" type="password" /> password_field_tag 'confirm_pass', nil, :disabled => true # => <input disabled="disabled" id="confirm_pass" name="confirm_pass" type="password" /> password_field_tag 'pin', '1234', :maxlength => 4, :size => 6, :class => "pin-input" # => <input class="pin-input" id="pin" maxlength="4" name="pin" size="6" type="password" value="1234" />