extra_tags_for_form(html_options) private

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# File actionpack/lib/action_view/helpers/form_tag_helper.rb, line 424
        def extra_tags_for_form(html_options)
          case method = html_options.delete("method").to_s
            when /^get$/i # must be case-insentive, but can't use downcase as might be nil
              html_options["method"] = "get"
            when /^post$/i, "", nil
              html_options["method"] = "post"
              protect_against_forgery? ? content_tag(:div, token_tag, :style => 'margin:0;padding:0') : ''
              html_options["method"] = "post"
              content_tag(:div, tag(:input, :type => "hidden", :name => "_method", :value => method) + token_tag, :style => 'margin:0;padding:0')
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