check_box_tag(name, value = "1", checked = false, options = {}) public

Creates a check box.

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July 23, 2008
14 thanks

Pass id collections with check box tags

It can be useful to pass a collection of ids to a controller, especially in the case of a has_many relationship, for example:

User has_many Roles

In your view you could have something like:

  <% @roles.each do |role| %>
        <%= check_box_tag 'role_ids[]', -%>
        <%= h -%>
  <% end %>

Note the square brackets after role_ids - this is important for passing a collection through to the controller.

If you place this in a form and submit it, you can expect to see a param passed into the controller that looks like:

"role_ids"=>["1", "2", "3"]
August 25, 2008 - (v1.1.6 - v2.1.0)
3 thanks

Delete collections with check box tags

Following autonomous’ directions works wonders on /edit but needs slight modifications when dealing with pagination on /index.

In a /index type listing page we can no longer assume that the list of ids coming back represents changes to all objects so we need to provide some context, that the list of object modifications in our params array is a list of modifications for some set of objects.

We can only assume subsets because pagination or filtering may reduce the set of objects we’re working on.

In our case we had a user management page which listed all users and showed whether they were activated or not. The following code is what we used to ensure that modifications to the first page of objects wouldn’t affect all the other pages.


<% @users.each do |user| %>
  <%= hidden_field_tag('seen[]', -%>
  <%= check_box_tag 'activated[]', -%>
<% end %>


def index
    activated_ids = params[:activated].collect {|id| id.to_i} if params[:activated]
    seen_ids = params[:seen].collect {|id| id.to_i} if params[:seen]

    if activated_ids
      seen_ids.each do |id|
        r = User.find_by_id(id)
        r.activated = activated_ids.include?(id)
June 17, 2013
1 thank

Use dom_id( resource_instance ) to create the HTML id

In the notes on this page people use:


But you can use this function in stead:

June 14, 2011
1 thank

Set ids when using a collection of values

The trick to getting the helper to populate a unique HTML ID and for rails to recognise a collection is to give the helper a unique ‘name’ and to set the :name symbol to parameter with an array symbol ‘[]’.

<% Cars.each do |c| %>
  <%= check_box_tag "car_ids[#{}]",, :name => "car_ids[]" %>
<% end %>
January 23, 2013 - (>= v3.0.0)
1 thank

Using an unobtrusive Ajax (UJS) :onchange call to the controller#action

An :onchange call can be made using the Rails 3 jquery-ujs helper in the form:

check_box_tag( name, value, checked, html_and_other_options)

For example:

select_tag( "my_tag_id",,
  class: "progress bar update_msg", disabled: disabled?
  data: {
    remote: true,
    url: url_for( action: :my_controller_action, id: my_id)
    // application symbols
    progress_bar: "progress_bar_div_id",
    update: "message_div_id"

The jquery_ujs looks for data-remote and data-url. These can be spelled-out or placed in the data hash. The url must be formed as select_tag does not call url_for, unlike some of the other related tags. Values for application symbols can also be passed through. jQuery triggers will work on the Ajax events that occur. This generates the following:

<input class="progress_bar update_msg" data-progress-bar="progress_bar_div_id" data-remote="true" data-update="message_div_id" data-url="/my_controller/my_controller_action/my_id" id="my_tag_id" name="my_tag_id" type="checkbox" value="4"/>

In this example, by tying into the events the program makes visible an existing hidden progress bar while awaiting a server response, and then displays a div containing a message returned by the server and hides the progress bar. If the div contains a class= for notice or error, then they will fade out.

  .on('ajax:beforeSend', ".progress_bar", function(){ 
    // get id of element to make visible
    var progress_bar_id = '#' + this.getAttribute('data-progress-bar');
  .on('ajax:complete', ".progress_bar", function(){ 
    // get id of element to hide
    var progress_bar_id = '#' + this.getAttribute('data-progress-bar');
  .on('ajax:complete', ".update_msg", function(evt, xhr, options){ 
    // get id of element to contain message
    var update = this.getAttribute('data-update'); 
    $("#" + update).replaceWith($(xhr.responseText).attr("id", update));
    // cause responses with these classes to fade away...
January 10, 2012
0 thanks

Set ids when using a collection of values (cont.)

Concerning greeneggs614’s post:

The following version would be a bit more intention revealing while providing the same output:

<% Car.each do |c| %>
  <%= check_box_tag "car_ids[]",, :id => "car_ids_#{}" %>
<% end %>
July 20, 2012
0 thanks

Set ids when using a collection of values (cont.)

Regarding schmidt’s post.

The following will not have the expected behavior:

<% Car.each do |c| %>
  <%= check_box_tag "car_ids[]",, :id => "car_ids_#{}" %>
<% end %>

But, if you put the “checked” option to false (or true), it will.

<% Car.each do |c| %>
  <%= check_box_tag "car_ids[]",, false, :id => "car_ids_#{}" %>
<% end %>