
Notes posted by l3x

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September 27, 2013
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Using find_index to return first match. Profit!

This example shows how to use find_index to return a result as soon as the first occurrence of what you are looking for is found.

Code example

class Widget < Struct.new(:name, :profit); end

class WidgetManager
  def initialize(*widgets)
    @widgets = widgets
  def is_any_widget_profitable?
    @widgets.find_index { |w| w.profit > 0 }  # <== usage!

wm = WidgetManager.new(Widget.new('a', -100), Widget.new('b', 200), Widget.new('c', 300))
wm.is_any_widget_profitable?  # => 1
(wm.is_any_widget_profitable?) ? 'some profit' : 'all loss'  # => "some profit"

wm = WidgetManager.new(Widget.new('a', -100), Widget.new('b', -200), Widget.new('c', -300))
wm.is_any_widget_profitable?  # => nil
(wm.is_any_widget_profitable?) ? 'some profit' : 'all loss'  # => "all loss"