
Notes posted by allen

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May 27, 2010
2 thanks

Use :path_prefix for the namespace

Resources are added after the :path_prefix. However if you use a :path_prefix on a resource, it overrides the namespace path instead of appending to it (as I think it should).

Here is what I wrote to create a versioned API access path.

map.namespace :api3, :path_prefix=>"/api/v3" do |api|
  api.resources :posts
  api.resources :comments, :path_prefix=>"/api/v3/post/:post_id"

This will create routes like

path: /api/v3/posts/1 
named_route: api3_post()
March 3, 2010
3 thanks

Deprecated in 1.9.x!

Use FileUtils::copy instead. It is also in 1.8.x, FileUtils, so call that one instead.

March 3, 2010 - (>= v1_8_6_287)
4 thanks

makedirs(path) to create file path

mkdir will only create a single directory on an existing path. If you want to create a full path, like the `mkdir -p /full/path` command, use the makedirs method.

1.8: File.makedirs(path) 1.9: FileUtils.makedirs(path)

August 22, 2008 - (>= v2.1.0)
13 thanks

Specifying :include no longer necessarily joins the association

Before Rails 2.1, adding an :include=>[:association] in your find method caused ActiveRecord to generate SQL using a join. Since 2.1, it MAY NOT execute as a join.

The join executes a large query and returned potentially duplicate records for a one-to-many association. After 2.1, the query is broken down and eager-loaded using an additional query per association, passing the set of id’s to load, and avoiding the duplicate rows.

The new method eliminates duplicates, but can incur more database overhead. If you are loading a very large set of records (more than a “page”), you may need to “force” the join or use find_by_sql instead.

When you specify a “table.column” syntax within a

:conditions=>["child.name=?", name]  



then ActiveRecord will build the older, full query with the join because you are referencing columns from another table to build. This will cause the duplicate rows to reappear.

Whenever you reference a column from another table in a condition or order clause, ALWAYS use the table name to prefix the column, even if it not ambiguous among the tables involved. Otherwise the query will not be executed as a join and you will receive an SQL error referencing the “missing” column.

You can “force” a join by adding a reference to the other tables in your :conditions or :options parameters, even if the test or sort is irrelevant.

August 14, 2008
4 thanks

Calls attribute setter for each key/value in the hash

This is a convenience to set multiple attributes at the same time. It calls the “setter” method


for each key in the hash. If you have overridden the setter to add functionality, it will be called.

This also allows you to create non-table attributes that affect the record. For instance, a full_name=() method could parse the string and set the first_name=() and last_name() accordingly.