
Notes posted by Olly

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August 15, 2008
9 thanks

anything matcher

The anything matcher will match any ruby object:

1.should == anything
nil.should == anything
'string'.should == anything

var.should_receive(:method).with(param1, anything)
August 14, 2008
13 thanks

Testing an options hash receives certain parameters

This method is very useful for testing methods that use the ruby idiom of accepting a hash with configurable options.

class Example
  def self.find(options = {})

We can use hash_including to ensure that certain options are passed in when mocking it.

Example.should_receive(:find).with(hash_including(:conditions => 'some conditions'))

Example.find(:conditions => 'some_conditions', :order => 1)
# => Passes expectation

Example.find(:order => 1)
# => Fails expectation

This can also be used to great effect with the anything matcher. For example:

hash_including(:key => anything)

hash_including(anything => 'value')
August 14, 2008
5 thanks

Convert an Array of Arrays to a Hash using inject

Converting an array of arrays to a hash using inject:

array = [['A', 'a'], ['B', 'b'], ['C', 'c']]

hash = array.inject({}) do |memo, values|
  memo[values.first] = values.last

# => {'A' => 'a', 'B' => 'b', 'C' => 'c'}
August 8, 2008
18 thanks

Using validates_format_of to validate URIs

You can use the validates_format_of with the regular expression in the URI library ensure valid URIs.


require 'uri'

class Feed < ActiveRecord::Base
  validates_format_of :uri, :with => URI.regexp