
Notes posted to Ruby on Rails

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June 17, 2011
0 thanks

don't forget :root

You can rename the root tag if you don’t like what is being generated.

line_item.to_xml(:skip_instruct => true, :root => 'line-item')
June 17, 2011 - (>= v3.0.0)
0 thanks

require it

require ‘action_dispatch/testing/test_process’

June 17, 2011
0 thanks

select_values returns Strings for postgreSQL

Will return strings too when using postgreSQL and gem pg (0.11.0).

June 17, 2011
1 thank

bug's fixed, though

in 3.1.0. it works in sqlite3 even, via nested query

but 3.0.3, 3.0.7-9 all broken

June 16, 2011 - (>= v3.0.0)
1 thank

validating a database column acceptance

accept option should be set to true if you are validating a database column, since the attribute is typecast from “1” to true before validation

validates :terms,
  acceptance: {
    allow_nil: false,
    accept: true
June 15, 2011
1 thank

Unusual block calling

It is important to note that the block form of this method is unlike any other block form in Rails. You would expect this to work:

<%= f.label :terms_and_conditions do %>
  Accept <%= link_to_page 'Terms and Conditions' %>
<% end %>

But doing this ends up messing up the form (I ended up with the form repeating itself). Instead you need to do:

<%= f.label :terms_and_conditions do
  'Accept ' + link_to_page('Terms and Conditions')
end %>

Which is really only mildly better than not using the block form:

<%= f.label :terms_and_conditions,
  'Accept ' + link_to_page('Terms and Conditions') %>

You are actually better of using capture if your code lends itself to the first non-working form:

<%= f.label :terms_and_conditions, (capture do %>
  Accept <%= link_to_page 'Terms and Conditions' %>
<% end) %>

Or if you prefer brackets to parenthesis you can do:

<%= f.label :terms_and_conditions, capture { %>
  Accept <%= link_to_page 'Terms and Conditions' %>
<% } %>
June 15, 2011
1 thank
June 15, 2011
1 thank


beware, update_all silently ignores :limit and :order option in 3.0.8.

I’ve fixed my code temporarily with

update_all "foo=1 where #{myscope.where_values} limit 1"
June 14, 2011
1 thank

Set ids when using a collection of values

The trick to getting the helper to populate a unique HTML ID and for rails to recognise a collection is to give the helper a unique ‘name’ and to set the :name symbol to parameter with an array symbol ‘[]’.

<% Cars.each do |c| %>
  <%= check_box_tag "car_ids[#{c.id}]", c.id, :name => "car_ids[]" %>
<% end %>
June 10, 2011
0 thanks

Typo in matches? example

Iphone example should be def self.matches?(request)

June 4, 2011 - (>= v3.0.0)
4 thanks

finding without default scopes in rails 3

if you want to find without default scopes in rails 3 and with_exclusive_scope is giving you protected method errors in controllers, use unscoped for a similar purpose

June 1, 2011 - (>= v3.0.0)
0 thanks

Catching rollback and re-raise exception

In response to wiseleyb, I don’t believe that you could put “rescue” in a transaction block, let alone catching ActiveRecord::Rollback. It would lead you to an “unexpected kRESCUE” error.

I think this is more appropriate.

def start_transaction
  Company.transaction do
    # don't forget the bang to make sure it raise
    # exception or the transaction won't rollback

    return true

  # re-raise exception here
  raise "Exception!"

Then you could call the method in another place, and it would raise rollback and other exception.

  # would return the "Exception!" if rollback occurs
  # it would also still trigger another exception other
  # than rollback.
May 31, 2011 - (>= v3.0.0)
0 thanks

return random element

>> a = [1,2,3] >> a.sample 2

the same as

>> a[rand(a.length - 1)] 1

May 26, 2011
0 thanks

Don't Use to_formatted_s(:db) on an Array of IDs

I thought using to_formatted_s(:db) on an array of ids would separate them with commas in a nice way. Wrong. It does, but it also changes the numbers.


[60, 271, 280, 283].to_formatted_s(:db)
# => "121,543,561,567"    # Completely different numbers!

Instead, use the join method:


[60, 271, 280, 283].join(",")
# => "60,271,280,283"      # Much better

I think this has to do with (:db) being used for formatting dates but I’m not sure.

May 24, 2011
2 thanks

must be first

A little gotcha I ran into.

This must be defined before you define your relationships.


class Ticket < ActiveRecord::Base
  set_table_name 'ticket'
  belongs_to :customer
  has_one :account, :through => :customer

if you do the relationships first it will not use the correct table name on the lookups.

May 23, 2011
5 thanks

Change to the way the block is handled

At least in 3.0.5, some of the previous examples no longer work: ActionView seems to quietly ignore Array content.

If you were using code of the form

content_tag(:li, nil, :class => 'someClass') {
  arr.collect { |x|
    content_tag(:ul, x)

it now needs to look like

content_tag(:li, nil, :class => 'someClass') {
  arr.reduce('') { |c, x|
    c << content_tag(:ul, x)
May 20, 2011 - (>= v3.0.0)
0 thanks

relative_url_root= no longer exists in Rails 3.0

Rails 3.0 does this with scope in config/routes.rb

scope "/exampleapp" do
  resources :examples
  root :to => "examples#index"
May 6, 2011
0 thanks

Asserting Emails

–setup_mailer.rb in config/initializers –rails g mailer MailerName –methods in mailer_name.rb –files in views/mailer_name –MailerName.method(@object).deliver in object controller

April 14, 2011
0 thanks

Why gsub!

I notice other adapters use sql.sub!, not sql.gsub! and in fact I had trouble with adding the limit parameter to any query involving nested selects. Replacing sql.gsub! with sql.sub! solved that problem for me. Has anyone else had a similar experience with this method?

In other words, replace:

sql.gsub!(/SELECT/i, 'SELECT B.* FROM (SELECT A.*, row_number() over () AS internal$rownum FROM (SELECT')


sql.sub!(/SELECT/i, 'SELECT B.* FROM (SELECT A.*, row_number() over () AS internal$rownum FROM (SELECT')
April 14, 2011
0 thanks

logging before filters

If you need to track and log which before filters are called for the purpose of debugging your app/before_filters. Then here’s a suggestion, how this could be accomplished:


April 8, 2011
0 thanks

customizing text when using label in a form

Instead of the default text Email you can change it to “Primary Email” like this: f.label :email, “Primary Email”

April 6, 2011
0 thanks

the source is wrong!

in 3.0.5, the source code in line 15 looks like this:

respond_to?(:"#{k}=") ? send(:"#{k}=", v) : raise(UnknownAttributeError, "unknown attribute: #{k}")

whats wrong with apidock?

April 4, 2011 - (>= v3.0.0)
0 thanks
March 31, 2011 - (>= v3.0.0)
0 thanks

reload is deprecated? what's the new alternative?

What’s the recommended alternative to reload for more recent versions of Rails?

March 30, 2011 - (>= v3.0.0)
2 thanks

After filters are not called when exception occurs

Please note after filters are not executed when an exception occurs. You have to handle these situations explicitly.

March 25, 2011
4 thanks

How to specify :only_path when non-hash options

When passing in an object, as opposed to a hash, you can’t do this because url_for accepts one argument:

url_for(post, :only_path => true)

Instead, do this:

polymorphic_url(object, :routing_type => :path)
March 23, 2011
5 thanks


Note that ActiveRecord will not update the timestamp fields (updated_at/updated_on) when using update_all().

March 23, 2011 - (>= v3.0.0)
0 thanks
March 23, 2011 - (>= v3.0.0)
1 thank
March 22, 2011
0 thanks

Find a random *set* of records (without killing the db)

If you want to find any number of records without sorting your entire table randomly every time, try the solution I posted here:
